Victoria Justice Rocky Horror Picture Show (blog)
Mesmerizing story from copyright Bear
And, ladies and gentlemen, fasten your seatbelts and prepare for a rollercoaster of incredibleness! "copyright Bear" is an unforgettable ride in more ways than one. This film takes a "bear-y" true story and transforms it into a comical horror movie that will get you laughing, scratching your head, and wondering about what the characters' lives are
Executive Decision Movie Review
To cleanse my soul of the Summer of Seagal, I've decided to review an action movie starring an actor I like, Kurt Russell in Executive Decision. Set in the highly unlikely scenario of middle eastern terrorists hijacking an airplane to use as (blog post) a weapon of war against the US, Kurt is an intelligence officer who somehow ends up on the same
The Star Wars Holiday Special Movie Review
In keeping with the theme of 1 Star Wars review a month until I can make it through the whole series... it's time for the one that I must admit, several of you saw coming. The made for TV special that has a cult following in (blog post) much the same way that Manos: Hands of Fate has a cult following... Like hairy movie reviews family members? Cons
Friday the 13th Part 2 Movie Review
While the original Friday the 13th was a barely-released low budget flick with a definitively conclusive ending, that can't stop the hollywood sequel machine from kicking into high gear in record time! Introducing Jason as the killer, this particular entry in the series isn't actually seen as a high point despite paving the way horror movie reviews